

One of the oldest and major food items in Lithuania was rye bread. People used to eat it every day — for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This is why bread is referred to as the symbol of food in folklore and songs. In times of hardship many peasants used to eat bread, backed of grain, ground together with chaff. In the second half of the 19th c. poorer villagers facing lack of food used to supplement their bread with other types of grain or wild plant seeds, catkins and beets, adding potatoes for softness. Lithuanian villagers used to bake two types of bread — simple and scalded bread. Caraway was a popular spice, while loaves were usually large, oblong or round. 20th c. villagers also knew bread, baked of very fine flour, but these occasions were rare, usually reserved for big celebrations. Coarsely ground wheat pies were much more common.

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Presented by Masters Irma Maksimavičienė, Anelė Araminienė

Presented by Masters Irma Maksimavičienė, Anelė Araminienė