Degučiai region is referred to as the kingdom of lakes and forests. Abundant deciduous forests promoted an old craft of the local people — tar distillation. The old-fashioned business of tar distillation is also resembled in the coat of arms of Degučiai, featuring three black tar distillers on a line of fire in a silver background. The coat of arms was approved by the decree No. 1K-1096 of the President of the Republic of Lithuania V. Adamkus, signed on 11 September 2007.
The design was created by the artist Arvydas Každailis.
St Ann’s Feast in Vajasiškis — celebrating with freshly-baked bread
Vajasiškis. St Ann’s Feast at the Church of St John the Baptist is the largest festival in the parish. It’s an exceptional feast every year, attracting crowds of people. Although the territory with neatly-cut grass near the church and the community house is huge, people coming to the feast later find it difficult to park their cars nearby and have to walk several hundred metres. Not all participants of the feast can fit into the rather spacious church either.
Before the mass, the church usually hosts various concerts. Several days before the feast the organist and the elderly singers teach youth how to sing the most important songs as well. Thus, the preparations for St Ann’s Feast are always very serious.
After the mass, everybody gathers near the community house. Then it’s time for speeches and greetings. It has already became a tradition to light the symbolic stone altar, built for the 1000th anniversary of Lithuania. The fire is usually lit by the emeritus Patrick Kergosien, promoting the name of Vajasiškis in Lithuania and beyond, as well as the community chairman Genovaitė Sarokina. Thanks to Patrick, the former rectory is full of life every summer with believers coming here from all over Lithuania: families with small children, people with disabilities, children without families and scouts from France. The community chairman Genovaitė Sarokina is known and respected in Vajasiškis for her active input and work for the good of all.
This summer feast is full of greetings, concerts and guests from Lithuania and abroad.
St Ann’s Feast is one of the most beautiful summer festivals. Earlier all farmers used to start harvesting their ryes before St Ann’s Feast on 26 July in order to have freshly-baked bread for the feast. The first loaf used to be given to harvest helpers and children. After St Ann’s Feast dews become cold, being the first sign of the upcoming autumn, although there’s still some time of the summer left. People say that St Ann is the Lady of Bread. You can truly see that during the fair, which takes place in the yard of the former school. The fair features local food products. The first ones to be sold out are the tastiest: the bread of Vajasiškis bakers, famous in the entire parish. Many people simply eat it with butter, also locally-made. Farmers offer the best of candies and pies, while the most thirsty will truly enjoy the refreshing caraway kvass, made by local housewives. Here you can also have a bite of tasty fresh vegetable soup or grilled cheese.
The fair is usually attended by the miller Stasys and his wife from Šlininka water mill community. Their wholemeal pancakes are a true delicacy. Sometimes the fair is also attended by Vytautas Valiušis, the Lithuanian king of pottery from Leliūnai town in Utena district. Then many can go back home with a fairing of the most beautiful of pots, cups and other clay masterpieces. If the potter brings his equipment and materials, everyone can try their hand at turning a pot.
During the feast people can also enjoy a horse ride or at least admire the beautiful horses or remember winter and take a ride on a summer sleigh. The community building welcomes to take a look at various exhibitions, while the smallest of the participants love to blow soap bubbles.
Everyone, whose name is the Lithuanian version of Ann (Ona, Onutė, Onytė, etc.), are invited to come on stage. The numbers often exceed ten and all of them are presented with field flower bouquets. The participants of the feast can enjoy concerts of musicians, playing all kinds of music.
You are most welcome to come to St Ann’s Feast too!