The Ethnographic Village of Šuminai

The Ethnographic Village of Šuminai

The village of Šuminai, established on the shore of Lake Baluošas in Aukštaitija National Park, Utena district, had many names. The first time the settlement was mentioned in 1784 and was referred to as Pabaluošė, later — Smaldiškės, Smalgiškės, Užubaluošė and received the name of Šuminai village only in the 20th c., based on the surnames of the residents. The 18th c. arrangement of the buildings makes Šuminai village an architectural monument. This village attracts curious visitors not only for the ethnographic buildings, but also interesting surroundings, where the Lithuanian Cinema Studio had once filmed the legendary movie Tadas Blinda, which has already became the classics of Lithuanian cinema.

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