Weaving was one of the main crafts of Lithuanian girls, learned at home. Villagers used to keep sheep, grow flax, cannabis and spend long autumn and winter evenings spinning. Woven fabrics were used for clothing, bedding or as tablecloths. Women usually turned to their loom before Christmas, when they had more time left from other farm work. All women knew how to weave huckaback and the so-called “simple” fabrics. Many also made simple bedspreads, towels and tablecloths. They used to learn these patterns from others and include their own interpretations. Better-skilled weavers adorned their fabrics with complex patterns. Only well-known professionals could weave the so-called “patterned” fabrics and only a few created original patterns.
Presented by Aleksandra Stasytienė, Domantas Žilėnas, Aldona Dudėnienė, Elena Kiškienė