A carpenter is both a building designer and a builder. Carpenters had to be knowledgeable on wood qualities and know how to prepare it, also how to build a building and be able to do that themselves. The responsibility for a building’s longevity, comfort, beauty and quality fell on the shoulders of a carpenter.
The same carpenters used to build houses from round or square logs. The wood for building used to be prepared in advance, while constructions used to begin in spring. The bark used to be peeled off the logs using a drawknife with two handles. Meanwhile, planks and balks used to be prepared by separate craftsmen.
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Almost all of the craftsmen working with wood used to learn their trade from their fathers, helping them and working at constructions. Others used to take apprenticeship with carpenters, working for them for free at first. They also made their tools by themselves. Metal parts used to be ordered from a local blacksmith or bought in a shop.
There were only a few good carpenters and they used to have enough work. Constructions involved help from neighbours or hiring poorer villagers. Masters often had their own workers and apprentices. A carpenter was also the manager of the entire project. He used to distribute works, tell people what to do, had his own helpers, determined the foundation of the building and measured the constructions.
Carpenters used to complete their work by raising and fixing a symbolic wreath, made of greenery or wood, to the rafters.