Heraldry. Užpaliai coat of arms features a blue background with vertical silver bunch of flax, prepared for selling. At the top the coat of arms is surrounded by an open wreath, made of a green palm leaf on one side and a laurel twig with red berries on the other. Above the coat of arms there is a flag with a credo, written in silver letters: MIESTUS AUGINA PREKYBA (ENG. CITIES GROW ON TRADE) Its author is the artist Albertas Gurskas. The first time this coat of arms was given to Užpaliai on 25 February 1792. On 9 December 1998 it was approved by the decree No. 260 of the President of the Republic of Lithuania.
History. Užpaliai elderate is located in eastern Lithuania, Utena district in Utena region. The elderate is a neighbour of Svedasai (Anykščiai district), Sudeikiai and Vyžuonos (Utena district) elderates. It is situated on West Aukštaičiai plateau, crossed by Šventoji valley from north east to south west. The area of the elderate is 176 km². Local barrows and old burial places show that people settled in Užpaliai back in the 4th–6th centuries. In 1897 Ūdrokšlis rivulet washed the bank, thus opening an old burial place with 4th c. grave goods. Galiniai ancient settlement and burial grounds were researched back in 1845 by P. Vilčinskis. The research included about 100 barrows. In 1998 the Lithuanian Institute of History researched 2 barrows, dating back to 7th-11th c. CE. The second half of the first millennium marked the formation of the Lithuanian nation, the basis of which consisted of the Lithuanian tribe, living east of the middle of Nemunas and Šventoji until Merkys. Presumably, the people living in Užpaliai region are the descendants of the oldest branch of Lithuanians. The historian Teodor Narbutt wrote about a battle that took place in 1233 in Užpaliai between the Livonian Order and the Lithuanian Duke Rimgaudas. Lithuanians had won.
The earliest written sources on Užpaliai date back to 1261 — the town was mentioned in the documents of the King Mindaugas. From the late 14th century until 1442 Užpaliai was ruled by Kristupas Astikas, an active participant of Lithuanian politics in the days of Vytautas the Great. He participated at the Treaty of Salynas (1398), the Treaty of Thorn (1411), the Pact of Horodło (1413), the Treaty of Melno (1422) and the Union of Grodno (1432). The Livonian Brothers of the Sword never took Užpaliai castle. It was destroyed in 1433 during the fights among Lithuanian rulers. However, Užpaliai castle had its own flag until the 17th c. and used to lead noblemen to battle in case of war.
According to A. Namikas, the 15th c. Užpaliai had an international court. The modern town of Užpaliai was built in the 14th c. near a manor, settled near the trade route, connecting Vilnius and Riga. This is illustrated by a 1388 trade agreement between the Duke Gediminas and the Livonian Order. In 1551 the Parliament adopted a resolution to tax state cities, including Užpaliai. Užpaliai really flourished in 1792, when the town was granted Magdeburg rights, and it is also one of the few Lithuanian towns, with the choice of their heraldic symbols indicated in their privileges. Flax growing and trade was one of the major local economic activities. The 20th c. Užpaliai settled in the colourful region of eastern Lithuania, north-western part of Utena district. The centre of the town has an irregularly-shaped square with the main streets: J. Basanavičiaus, Vytauto, Astiko and Pilies. Moreover, it is an intersection of roads, connecting Užpaliai with Svėdasai (14 km), Duokiškis (18 km), Jūžintai (18 km), Sudeikiai (10 km), Dusetos (20 km), Utena (17 km) and Vyžuonos (8 km). During the interwar period, Užpaliai was the centre of the volost. Aside from the municipality building, the town also featured a police station, a post office, a pharmacy, an elderly care home, a steam dairy and a small agricultural credit bank. There was a 4-year lower secondary, as well as a Lithuanian and a Jewish primary school. The mill with a sawmill and a power plant supplied power to the town’s homes. The town had its own doctor and a veterinarian, as well as modern Pakštas Furniture and Home Installation workshop. Užpaliai was severely damaged during the World War II. In 1941 the families of the doctor Veleniškis, dentist Sinkevičienė, police officer V. Černiauskas, teacher J. Baltakis, regional researcher A. Namikas and others were exiled. Most of them didn’t come back. In 1941 during the German occupation Užpaliai was inhabited by about 350 Jews. Only a few of them survived. The town was destroyed and burned down during the German retreat. The last of the ruins were cleaned up in the fifties. In 1967 the town centre and some of the streets were paved. The town also acquired a bus stop, a kindergarten, as well as buildings for the secondary school, elderate administration, a new dispensary and a cooperative shop. Today Užpaliai is the only rural town in Utena district with a gymnasium.
Autumn Equinox, the Day of Baltic Unity and Fire in Užpaliai
Užpaliai elderate celebrates Autumn Equinox — the Day of Baltic Unity since 2009. These events feature various cultural forms: literary exhibitions, competitions, equinox symbols, made of 1000 candles, creating national symbols from natural materials, lectures, burning of a hay goat, creating compositions from autumn harvest goodies, introducing monthly hay symbols, as well as organising research nights and concerts. In 2012 the celebration became international with guests from Resekne Art and Design School, as well as pupils from Utena District A. Šapoka Gymnasium and Art School. The guests together with the community of Užpaliai Gymnasium created hay sculptures, participated at lectures on Equinox and the importance of the Baltic tribes to the Lithuanian history. As of 2014 the celebration includes traditional autumn markets. The events of the Autumn Equinox are organised by Užpalėnų krivūlė organisation, Užpaliai Elderate Administration, Užpaliai Gymnasium, Utena A. and M. Miškiniai Public Library, as well as Užpaliai sub-elderate and community organisations.
Autumn festivals in Užpaliai
It has already become a tradition for Užpaliai community to celebrate Autumn Equinox by taking a short break with a full basket of autumn goodies, when the day becomes equal with the night, when the symbolic fire descends hills and return to the fireplaces at home.
“Our ancestors were in a very close relationship with nature. Is it not important to us anymore? Various emotions, sacredness of faith and union with the nature — we all experience it individually, inside our souls, but we all are definitely children of the nature.” says Vida Juškienė, active member of Užpalėnų krivūlė organisation.
Autumn Equinox is a time of contemplation and spending some time with yourself, getting rid of inner burden and accumulating strength for a new start, which will come, when the circle of time turns again. Thus lives the nature and thus is the human life.
On the evening of 22 September, enthusiasts cherishing the old traditions gather on Lygamiškis and Šeimyniškis mounds to light the fire of the Baltic unity, led by Giedrius Indrašius and hikers, as well as the young members of the Riflemen’s Union, led by Birutė Masonienė. The union of the Baltic tribes (Curonians, Selonians, Samogitians, Lithuanians, Aukštaitians and Semigallians), which eventually led to the formation of the state — was a result of a long and complex process, followed by frequent encounters with enemies in defending lives, property and lands. People gather on mounds, light fires, sing songs, beat drums, play games, dance and enjoy the setting of the sun.
On 24 September Užpalis townspeople and guests gather at the traditional place to celebrate — Užpaliai town centre.
All guests of this beautiful and already traditional celebration are welcomed by local figures, municipality and elderate officers, as well as community members.
The delightful gathering is highlighted by a number of artists and participants of the autumn fair, inviting to have a taste or purchase some of their goodies: Vilučiai and Kaniūkai community members, Užpaliai Huntsmen, Gero skonio and Lions club members, as well as individual farmers and craftsmen.
During the celebration everyone is looking forward to various activities: blowing soap bubbles, the game of townlets, competitions and other games. The Student Parliament of Užpaliai Gymnasium and other volunteers have made an interesting and active game of the Well of Happiness. Eglė Jovaraitė offers a pleasant opportunity to ride a horse or a horse-drawn carriage. Based on an agreement between Užpalėnų krivūlė community organisation and the Ministry of Social Security and Labour for the project Be Active to Live, a group of young people, learning street dance, introduces their performance during the celebration.
The traditional culmination of the events of Autumn Equinox and the Day of Baltic Unity is burning an impressive hay sculpture.
The success of the fun and cosy community celebration depends on all the members of the community, contributing to the traditional event with their suggestions, advice, work and participation. All guests are welcome to join in!